1 . 习惯
1、accustomed习惯于 [同义词]used[反义词]unaccustomedEven if they are willing to make the sacrifice in dollars, whether Americans will give up long.
2 . 习惯的
eager , anxious, used/ accustomed(习惯的), acceptable(适合的), advantageous, anterior, agreeab.
3 . 通常的
...【拓展】quit one ’ s hometown 离开家乡 quit hold of 撒手放开9. accustomedadj. 习惯的,通常的常用搭配:be accustomedto
4 . 惯常的
...e _________ ____________ _________ bad management.2. accustomedadj. 惯常的; 习惯于He took his accustomedseat by the window.
相关词条 +accustomed to1 . 习惯有你
【习惯你】英语怎么说_在线翻译_有道词典 ... 习惯你明亮笑容 noye haya musumi 习惯有你Accustomed to ; Porque Tu Me Acostumbraste ; yuenyee 我已习惯有你的生活 I have settled into the life with you.
+accustomed averages1 . 运输费
accustomed average 小海损accustomed averages 运输费accutron 电子手表
+not accustomed1 . 不习惯
i am not accustomed to getting up early ., 我不习惯早起.
+accustomed average1 . 小海损
...accustomed average 小额费用(如码头费、引航费等accustomed average 小海损accustomed averages 运输费